Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2 Months Down...Many to Go!

I'm sure at some point everyone who blogs decides to write a new post instead of doing the other hundred things that needs to be done. Well that is me, I am not doing laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc; I am going to tell you all about one of my favorite things!

Dang! Isn't he cute! It is the one reason why we don't consider giving him back! But truly he is one of my favorite things right now besides my husband of course, and as of lately chocolate!

As of today, Kellen is 2 months old. At his doctors appointment he weighed 11 lbs 1oz and is 23 inches long. His growth is normal and he is doing good. He has this sleeping at night thing down and most nights is asleep by 9:30 and wakes me up at 7! Now we just need him to be able to hold his head up so he can use his bumbo and other new toys!

It isn't as exciting to hear about Brad and I but we are doing well. Brad is getting ready for his Africa trip in about a month so he has been working a lot. At times he gets less sleep than me but he is trooper. I started a second part time job as a receptionist at a local Montessori school and I love it. It feels nice to get back into that kinds of work and Kellen is able to be in their infant program while I work. Life is going to get very busy but I think that is what we are used to!


  1. what a cute boyy!!! sounds like you guys are workin hard!
    So glad he's a good sleeper :) thats the bessst

  2. Oh my goodness! He's so cute!! :)

  3. The first picture is a Brad look-alike. The second one is a you look-alike. Love it. Such a cutie.

  4. Cute little smiley pictures! 2 months down already. It goes so fast!

  5. He is so cute! What s sweet little guy. Good luck with the job and for Brad getting ready to go to Africa. It does sound like you'll be busy!
