Thursday, February 9, 2012

Across the Nation and Back

Get ready for picture overload! This was truly one of the vacations that I was not ready to head back. I really felt like home when we landed in Sacramento and was sad to leave. It was quite a busy trip and enjoyed all the family we saw!

Kellen did amazing on the plane! He got fussy once (I mean come on he is a baby) but other than that he slept and ate!

Thursday night Brad's dad took us to a Kings game along with his brother! It was my first pro game and I had a lot of fun.

Grandma loved playing with Kellen and it was nice that she volunteered a ton to watch him. She got him some very cute animal puppets and he loves them already!

My brothers got to meet Kellen for the first time and the consensus was that he was cute. Efrain really liked to  hold them, it was fun to see them around him.

We celebrated Leanne and my grandma's birthday that weekend as well. And in case you were confused Leanne turned 18  and my grandma 69. I am so glad that her and Bob (Elder and Sister) were able to come up.

Here is a picture of the four generations of my dad's side.

On Sunday we blessed Kellen and had many family there. We took up four rows, but we are used to that by now. Kellen did very well and he was blessed in the same outfit as Brad. And was blessed in the same blanket that my dad and uncle Loren was blessed in. He has great shoes to fill!

Brad's dad took the kids on a ride in his Chevy, they loved it!

We celebrated Hannah's birthday, watched the superbowl, went to many yummy restaurants, and just hung out with family. The rest are just some misc photos that we took during the week. We were very sad to go but know we have to get back to reality. We found out Kellen is more of a home body and has been a little more pleasant since we've returned. Brad is off to Africa in a week and while I am excited for him to go I know I will pray for his safety!


  1. Oh Ashley what a great post! I love your (new) hair cut - it's really cute! Sounds like you had a great time with family. I didn't even realize Brad was going to Africa. We need to catch up - call me when you have some time. What a cute family you have. Life is Good :)

  2. Look at your cute hair! Your trips looks like it was so much fun with all your family! So cool that Kellen was blessed in the same outfit as his dad and blanket as his grandpa! What a cute little boy you have. I sure miss you, like a lot a lot. Call me.

  3. What a fun trip! Your family looks like a lot of fun. I'm sure it was really nice to be able to bless Kellen with your family around. What a special memory. Good luck with having Brad gone. I hope his trip goes well and the time goes quickly for you.

  4. I love the picture of you guys sleeping on the plane. So cute. And cute new hair. So how long is Brad going to be gone? And is he going with some mission friends or just him?

  5. So fun,I'm sure it went by fast. There is nothing like family to hog and adore the baby, while you go out. Keep posting pictures he looks like he is so grown up since the last post.
